
Welcome to my site! This is just a personal project I am undertaking in my free time (as a college CS student, such time is certainly hard to come by). Please feel free to browse through as I randomly put my life out there for the world to see; I'll be constantly updating with not just content but also random bugsfeatures.

scenic horizons

Cars are a big part of my life. From Camaros to Supras, RS6s to Aventadors, Minis to Evos. I'm always open to learning more about building cars and hope to find and rebuild my own 1969 Camaro SS one day~

coastal cruises
beach doggos

Though I grew up in Shanghai, I'm very much a California boy, and as a California boy, I love blue skies, sunshine, and the coast. If you ever get the chance, free up a day over the weekend and just drive down Highway 1 between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay (trust me on this).


Beyond obsessing over all types of cars, they are also my getaway from life. I often take a Sunday afternoon to just drive out to a nice sightseeing location to watch the sunset while simping to indie pop or R&B.